“One Good Friend Is Equal To A Library.” -Dr APJ Abdul Kalam
Library is the fountainhead of knowledge in an educational institution. The School has an excellent Library and Reading room. It provides for Children from Classics to Encyclopedia, Journals, Magazines and ample parallel books for the students –Teachers reference. Due emphasis is laid on encouraging the students to spend time in the library, in addition to the specific hours provided for this purpose.
The students become effective users of information and achieve higher altitude of reading and learning skills. The materials and aesthetics complement each other in this spacious area.
The school library is open to all bonafide students of the school. All classes are provided with at least one library period a week. Students have to observe the following rules:
- Each student is issued only one book at a time for a period of only one week. They may however renew it later.
- They must maintain absolute silence in the library.
- If the books are returned late, the borrowing facility is withdrawn for four weeks.
- Books lost, disfigured or damaged will have to be replaced or paid for by the borrower.
- Students are not allowed to bring their personal books or belongings to the library.
- Any child found damaging or defacing a book regularly will be debarred from the library.
- Any student who does not return the library book one week prior to the exams will not be allowed to take the examination.
- The librarian may call for a book at any time even if the normal period of loan has not expired. The rule applies to the members of teaching faculty and clerical staff also.
- User/ Borrower should inform the librarian about any mark or damage which already exists before the use of such books.
- Reference books like Dictionary, Encyclopedia cannot be taken home. They can be read in the library only.
- Issue of the books shall be stopped 15 days before the close of the current academic year for stock taking and checking.